After poolside coldies, it was time to hit one of our favorite St. A watering holes, Scarlett O'Haras, for happy hour 2-for-1 cocktails including Big Boat Bob's (yes we still call him that on occasion) Captain and Coke - think the waitress liked us!!
And can I tell you how good their onion rings were!!!! I'm talking the mother of all crispy and slightly spicy o-rings here!! Normally I don't get that excited about onion rings - but these were the best (we went back the next day for more and more!!!) No calories in St A I heard!!!!
It was great to be back in a place with live music too - even if it wasn't nearly as good as what we got used to in KW!!! But when you're with good friends - who cares? We topped the night off with great pizza in the back of a funky little pizza place in the old town - xtra cheese, pepperoni and mushrooms was just what we needed before bedtime!!
The next day we played tourist and visited the Alligator Farm and Zoological Park - what an amazingly cool place!!

and crocs, some in small "private rooms" while others lived communally in pools and sand islands!
We saw an alligator feeding where they were thrown small rodents - unfortunately one of the big guys near us went postal on his neighbor almost tearing off his arm and knocking out teeth (that was enough for me thank you!!) The gators looked so mellow that you forget how fast they can move and how vicious they really are - got it!!!
There was even a wading bird rookery which replicated a native swamp where hundreds of birds, including herons, egrets, ibis, roseate spoonbills, and wood storks roost knowing the thousands of alligators below would protect them from any tree-climbing predators.
There were also exhibits of exotic birds, the cutest monkeys you've ever seen, and other wild reptiles,
Southern Cassowary
including a komodo dragon (he almost got Bob's finger - OK not really but it was a fun picture!)Oh and let's not forget the humongous tortoises who seemed "otherwise occupied" shall we say the whole time we were there - if you can figure out the picture, let us know - we think that's why they are almost extinct!!
From the Alligator Farm we went over to climb to the top of the St Augustine Lighthouse - all 165 feet above sea level and 219 steps!!!
St Augustine is the site of the oldest aid to navigation in North America - the original Spanish watchtower became Florida's first lighthouse in 1824. However, by 1870 the tower was threatened by shoreline erosion and construction began on the current lighthouse. The new lighthouse was completed in 1874 and has at the top a first order Fresnel lens which serves as the beacon. The lens consists of 370 hand-cut glass prisms arranged in a beehive shape towering twelve feet tall and six feet in diameter. The lighthouse is St. Augustine's oldest surviving brick structure and in 1876, a brick light keeper's house was added to the site. Light keepers' and their assistants lived and worked there until the tower was automated in 1955. The history is cool but the views were unbelievable!!!
You know the saying, all culture and no fun.....ok maybe I'm improvising but after a day of playing tourist, one gets thirsty! So we hit the nearest watering hole, the Conch House Lounge for some sustaining coldies and popcorn.
With the thirst partially slaked, we were off again towards the beach - of course - in search of cool beach bars. We didn't find many to choose from but hit on Jakes for pitchers and wings - with friends any place can be fun!
A quick change and we were off for a night of frivolity, starting of course at Scarlett's for more o-rings! Chased out by some seriously not good music, we hit the Milltop in search of better - not to be!!! if anything it was worse - at least topsides. The musician downstairs was somewhat better (we at least could finish our beers without actual pain in the eardrums!) There we were entertained by a game of guess whether it's Pat or Patricia - we took turns trying to get full frontal views surreptitiously of course and even at the end of the night we had a hung jury - 3-1 in favor of female. Does this make us bad people??? Not that we cared one way or the other but shouldn't you be able to at least tell??? OK maybe we should have gone home at that point....but we didn't. We found more music at a yard garden cafe
and then had some mexican food at the glamorous Taco Shop - kidding....not that we ate there, but the glamorous part. Pretty much a dive - just the way we like it!!
Sunday was a little rainy but what better way to start it then a big grand slam breakfast at Dennys???? Seriously!! Us and about 100 others - luckily we got a table before the line began to snake out the door. Guess everyone else went to church first ..... knew there was something we forgot! It was sad saying goodbye to Steph and Bob but we know we will see them soon - on their trip south they plan on stopping here at our marina on Merritt Island for a bit this Fall. What a great weekend though - thanks guys for meeting us in the middle!!!! We braved the raindrops to walk around town a little to soak up some of the awesome Spanish culture and architecture
and surprise, surprise wound up back at Scarletts for one more round of o'rings.
Good thing there are no calories in that place!!
Part of the fun of where we are located now is that there are so many kewl places and things to do within two hours of us - on the way home from St. Augustine, we ran through a list of all the places and things we want to do. It's a seriously long list!!! So much fun to be had, so little time......what a great way to live life!!
Thanks everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes - despite a rainy day, I watched a movie marathon, complete with popcorn and all kinds of treats (because there are no calories on your bday either). Dinner was Chinese food and a great bottle of wine (a real bottle no less) and for anyone who knows me, they know that by the time I went to sleep, I had a big grin on my face! This week the gym has been calling my name - in all CAPS!!!!
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