Well our friends on September Song (Bob and Stephanie) and Sea Pearl (Joe and Salty) left this morning to cross over to the Bahamas for a couple months - we wish them a safe crossing and lots of fun!!! We sure wish we were going with them, but a new chapter of our life awaits us and we are starting to get pretty excited about it!! More on this later!!
We couldn't let them leave without one last hurrah though so on Friday we drove up to Marathon for one last party - we were greeted by all their dock friends who had been forewarned that the "gypsies were coming, the gypsies were coming!!" Needless to say we received a wonderfully warm reception, especially from Cassie and Godiva who we haven't seen in a little while!
After several cocktails on the boat, we spied Salty sporting his new Hawaiian attire - I swear he knew he looked good as he pranced around the dock showing off his gift from Auntie Stephanie!!!
Then it was time to head over to Sombrero Resort for some poolside antics and the music of Tommy Santelli - about 20 of the Dockside gang showed up and despite the local hospital usurping the gang's usual tables, we made due and had a great time!!
Where oh where did all those funny hats come from and why were we wearing them????
After much merriment, some liquid and solid sustenance and a little dancing,
we had to take our leave to drive back to KW - while it was sad to say good-bye (again), we know we will see our friends soon!!!! We will keep track of all their antics via their blog and live vicariously through them until we see them again when they return from the Bahamas!!! Safe travels our friends!!!
Meanwhile, Doug and I spent Thursday driving up to Miami to - god forbid - shop for suits and real dress shoes (no we can't wear flip-flops to interviews!!!!) Yes we have decided to go back to work for awhile - real work, like what we used to do so we can restock the cruising kitty as quickly as we can!! Doug actually has an interview this Thursday and since there isn't a suit (other than a bathing suit) to be found in all of Key West, we had to head north. While Doug had fits over the thought of wearing a tie again (he's not sure he remembers how to tie one), for me the hardest part was trying to squeeze my feet which have been barefoot or in flip-flops for the past two years into heels (now what masochistic guy ever decided that women should wear high heels??? - I'm telling you, it's just not natural!!! UGH!!) Anyways, mission accomplished as we each came back to the boat with a couple suits, shirts, ties, shoes, etc.......we'll raid our storage pod for more later but for now the issue is where do we put all these trappings of reality?? Know the other truly traumatic part of looking for jobs - Doug has to get his hair cut!!! He hasn't done that in over two and a half years and had grown really fond of his ponytail which is longer than mine - I guess we're done sharing scrunchies and earrings for awhile!!! Here's a couple "before" pictures of Doug - I'll post the "after" pictures when the dirty deed is done!!!
Another part of this change of lifestyle/job search is where do we go from here literally - well we think we've figured that out at least in the short term - Dinner Key Marina in Coconut Grove, right outside of Miami on Biscayne Bay!! We both want to look in the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area at least to start and being closer to that area will probably be a good thing - right now we are a 4 hour car ride from Miami and while we have had an absolute blast spending the winter down here in KW, there may be just a few too many distractions and temptations down here (read on and you'll see what I mean)!! Coconut Grove is a funky, artsy, diverse ethnic section of Miami with a great marina right in the middle of it where we hope to spend some time while we look for work and then maybe even afterwards if things work out - we spent several days there on one of our trips south and loved the area (that's actually where we watched Obama's inauguration!!!) We're going to drive up again on Wednesday to do some more advance scoping and we'll keep you all posted, but at least for now our game plan involves heading Gypsies north sometime the first two weeks of May!!
Until then there is a lot happening in KW to keep us busy and having fun - this week is the Independence Celebration recognizing the 28th anniversary of when KW seceded from the Union and founded the Conch Republic!! This is taken quite seriously down here and is cause for lots of insane craziness - more so than even usual. Saturday Doug and I journeyed into town for the "drag races" which in KW have a whole other meaning - no racing cars are to be found on the KW back streets - instead all of the drag queens from Aqua, 801 Bourbon Street and other alternative bars in town compete in full drag and high heels in races down a closed Duval Street pushing grocery carts after maneuvering through the tire obstacle course!! You think I jest - I'll let the pictures back me up and tell the story!!!
No sooner did we get to the races than we met up with the whole Dockside gang from Marathon that we had partied with the night before!!!! Too funny!!
Many of us wound up first at El Alamo for $1 beer and pork sliders and then went on to the Green Parrot for soundcheck where Li'l Ed and the Blues Imperials were playing - great blues!!!
Yesterday was a day spent largely with Bootsie who was feeling a little left out of things as we've been gone a lot lately - she was not amused!!! Later today though, we trek into town for the great haircut and then will need to indulge in a little independence frivolity. It is also Michelle Kirby's bday today so we have plans to do something - not sure yet what - it's up to the bday girl!! Our friend Mary Ouellette arrives on Saturday for a week of fun and her stay coincides with the KW singer/songwriters festival so I see lots and lots of great music in our future!! We need to leave KW on a high note after all - who needs a liver to work right???
Goodbye, sweet boy
3 years ago